롯데면세점 웨이보 업데이트(2015.01.03)


① 모바일 배경화면 & 잠금화면(Mobile Wallpaper & Lock Screen)

- iPhone (size : 640x1136) 

- Android (size : 720x1280)

② 롯데면세점 모바일 (LDF Mobile)

③ 롯데인터넷면세점 Lottedfs_KOR


PDF DL(JPN) : http://jp.lottedfs.com/magazine/magazine

PDF DL(CHN) : http://cn.lottedfs.com/magazine/magazine


① 2015.01 Cover 박신혜의 찬란하게 빛나는 순간 

② ADs


롯데면세점 January 2015 Wallpaper LOTTE Duty Free 

KOR : http://kr.lottedfs.com/magazine/wallpaper02

ENG : http://en.lottedfs.com/magazine/wallpaper02

JPN : http://jp.lottedfs.com/magazine/wallpaper02

CHN : http://cn.lottedfs.com/magazine/wallpaper02


롯데면세점(LDF) 웨이보 업데이트 (2014.12.23)




① 롯데면세점 2014 Best of the Best Model Award

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Weibo : http://lottedfs.txnetworks.cn/web/index.html

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② 롯데면세점 L-Story 


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